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Where will your Jewish journey take you?  What is the Jewish story you want to tell?

A Jewish education is one of the most precious gifts you will give your child.  From Judaism, they will gain faith to sustain them in times of trouble; morals and values to guide their decision making and roots in an ancient tradition which teaches them to see the world as it could be – not as it is.  Beth Chaim is transforming the way people experience Jewish life and learning as our school cultivates an on-going exploration of Judaism as a powerful vision for living a life of meaning.

Students in our school build close relationships with gifted teachers.  Our classroom time is filled with lively discussions, creative projects and engaging activities as our students use a combination of 21st century skills (teamwork, collaborative learning, information synthesis, creative thinking) to explore, learn and experience their ancient and rich Jewish heritage.  

The goal of Jewish education at Beth Chaim is for all to experience fully the values of Jewish life and ideas and claim their Jewish heritage with joy.

  • Jewish educational experiences at Beth Chaim will be anchored in caring, purposeful relationships.
  • Learning will seek to answer the questions, challenges and meaning of everyday life.
  • Classes are structure to enable individuals to construct their own meaning through inquiry, problem solving and discovery.
  • Learning is content-rich and accessible.
  • Learning is designed to lead to action; our students will lead prayers from the bima, participate in congregational programming and use their Jewish leadership skills to make positive changes in the world.
  • Through the lenses of equity and diversity, students will be exposed to a wide range of Jewish thoughts, beliefs and practices, all designed to give them the skills to make informed choices about leading a Jewish life.

The curriculum at Beth Chaim is designed to:

  • Create deep connections between our students and their peers and our students and Jewish living and learning.
  • Develop and enhance spiritual and ethical sensitivity so our actions and attitudes reflect ethical teachings of Judaism.
  • Impart a knowledge of Jewish history, literature and culture 
  • Develop an understanding of Hebrew necessary for rich, meaningful and intellectual Jewish living.
  • Develop the ability and encourage the desire to practice Jewish observance in the home.
  • Provide a wide range of group activities and observances through which our students may experience the satisfaction and inspiration of Jewish living.
  • Develop an interest and a desire to participate in local, national and world Jewish affairs, to take leadership positions in Jewish life, and to contribute toward the fulfillment of a just society and a united humankind.
  • Develop an awareness of Jewish theology and the continuing struggle to define the nature of the Deity and its relationship to humankind. Develop knowledge, understanding and appreciation of Jewish worship and prayer and participate and find meaning in prayer.
  • Develop knowledge of and a bond with ancient and modern Israel.
  • Instill a love of learning, maximize inquiry, and encourage lifelong Jewish study.
  • Create Jewish learners and leaders who are comfortable expressing their Jewish identities in our modern world.
  • Our religious school experience begins in pre-K, continues with Confirmation at the end of 10th grade and concludes with our 11th/12th grade dinner and discussion program with the Rabbis and staff.

Innovative High School Program - Forging My Path

Reform Judaism is built around the concept of “Informed Choice” and we take seriously our responsibility to give our teens the tools they need to lead meaningful Jewish lives. Jewish life has changed and Jewish learning – especially for teens – needs to reflect the values of living in our modern (and chaotic) world. Forging My Path, our program for teens from 7th – 10th grades is based on the following values:
  • Jewish education, like Jewish living, can no longer be “one size fits all.” Teens need the opportunity to explore all areas of Jewish practice.
  • As Jewish adults, teens should be offered the opportunity to participate in the life of the congregation through committees, volunteering and social justice work.
  • Teens are in charge of their Jewish experiences and must have the power to curate their own experiences
  • The congregation must elevate the vision and voices of our teens, recognizing that they are our Jewish present as well as our future leaders.

Our Jewish Journeys Program allows teens, from 7th – 10th grade, to choose from multiple options designed to model multiple entry points to Jewish practice. 

Each year will consist of classes with clergy and education staff. During this time, students will form relationships with each other and our clergy and staff, learn about options for participating in the life of Beth Chaim. Students may be assigned mentors from our community. 

The Beth Chaim Religious School provides an inclusive high-quality Jewish education for students from pre-kindergarten through high school, enabling them to establish a meaningful positive Jewish identity.  Our program is designed to foster an understanding of their Jewish heritage through instruction centered on Jewish beliefs, ritual, tradition and Hebrew language. We nurture a love of Torah and a kinship with the people of Israel.
Our goal is to help young people acquire both the desire and the knowledge to be lifelong learners and active participants in Jewish life.

Class times are designed to meet the needs of the modern family.
We offer:
  • Academic support to meet diverse learning styles
  • Family activities as part of the curriculum and as enrichment

Classes for grades Pre-K – 6th are held on Sunday mornings from 9am- noon. Each session starts with Kahal, our morning meeting/community time. Parents are encouraged to attend each week in the sanctuary from 9am - 9:30am.

4th – 6th graders come Wednesday afternoons from 5pm-6:30pm
(Zoom option can be arranged)

7th – 10th grade students come on Wednesday evenings and at various times during the year as they choose how they wish to participate in the life of the congregation and the community.

Family Programming is held throughout the year. 

Tot Shabbat

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784