Our Chai Circle Donor Recognition Program
What is the Chai Circle Program?
Our Chai Circle Program recognizes committed Beth Chaim members whose gifts over the course of our fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) go above and beyond. These gifts allow us to keep our doors open and maintain a financially healthy congregation.
How do I become a Chai Circle Donor?
Chai Circle contributions include Hineini pledges, High Holy Day contributions, Oneg sponsorships, ads and sponsorships for special events, and other donations. Your total charitable giving to Beth Chaim over the course of the fiscal year determines your Chai Circle Level. (Tuition, the security fee and other fees, and payments for goods or services are not included.)
For the 2024-25 fiscal year, the Chai Circle Giving Levels are:
Chai $2,750 - $3,599
Double Chai $3,600 - $5,399
Triple Chai $5,400 - $9,999
Book of Life $10,000 and above
How do we recognize Chai Circle gifts?
Your Chai Circle donations are essential to our financial well-being and are greatly appreciated.
Chai Circle donations are publicly recognized by name and Giving Level several times during the fiscal year, starting after the High Holy Days, in October or November. The list of Chai Circle members is sent by email to all congregants and is posted in our Lobby. A final report and listing will reflect the highest Giving Level achieved by fiscal year end. If you wish your gift to be anonymous, we will honor that request as well.
Please consider becoming part of our Chai Circle Community.